Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I've been tagged...

1. Yes Cortney, you are right. I am a slacker!!! haha.

2. I just ate some shaved honey ham and am loving it! I despised ham until I got pregnant with Caed.

3. Amazing Race is by far the best reality tv show on right now. We have an "Amazing Race" night with our friends every week and do dinner. So much fun!

4. I'm in need of a new book. Just finished Donald Miller's "To Own a Dragon" and it was excellent even though it's written for boys/men who grew up without a father. Any idea's for a new book? I'm looking for out of the box type writing.

5. I can't tell if I have a cold or if I have allergies due to the snow melting and unearthing the dead grasses, etc...

6. My favorite coffee drink: Double, short Irish Cream Latte' from 5 loaves bakery. Blended to perfection. Not too much syrup, not too much coffee.

7. I might be the only person in the history of mankind to get almost all the way through college (just under two semester left) and have no desire to go back. Maybe it's just the stage of life I'm in?? Not sure, guess I'll pray about it. :)

8. I finally have my living room with only living room stuff. When the floors were getting put in the kitchen I had every appliance and the washer and dryer sitting in my small living room

9. I, like Katie, am a coffee snob as well. Only the best or none at all.

10. I'm also a hotel snob. I hate staying in dirty or sketchy hotels. Makes me skin crawl to even think about it.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday thoughts...

1. Usually, the coldness doesn't bother me. Today, it does.

2. I have read every article of reading material in our house. I need a new book. I even resorted to RE-reading Kris' Wild at Heart book!

3. I feel "blah". Not sick, just "blah". Like, I want to sit on the couch in my pj's all day. I'm I the only one who ever feels like that?

4. My filing cabinet is calling my name to be cleared for this year's tax stuff. This might be why #3 exsists.

5. On my brother's blog, he tells about some of the places he is playing this weekend in Missoula and he writes, "you can see my play at four different locations" instead of "you can see ME play at four different locations" which made me burst into laughter at the thought of him doing is own plays at four different locations.

6.I really feel like there are not enough things to keep Caed busy throughout the week. At the end of the day, it feels like we still haven't done much of anything substantial.

7. My child is so funny. Seriously, just funny. He told me yesterday I was gorgeous. What four year old says that word!!??? I love it.

8. I think I am going to propose a date night with Kris if he is here tomorrow night. Vegas was so much fun just going to dinner and stuff together and I really want to keep that up. Just time for "us".

9. Both of my sister in laws are pregnant and due withing a month of each other!! yeah!!!

10. I fix chicken a lot for dinner.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Vegas Pictures...

Sorry they have taken me so long to put up!! Hope you enjoy....