Thursday, July 13, 2006

Interesting Article...

I came across this article and wanted to share. It could be that I love herbs and naturopathic medicines etc... though- I'm just totally convinces that while modern medicine is great and has wonderful advantages, herbs and plants from the world we live are just as miraculous and God given. Amber this is in your neck of the woods, right? You should totally go there and give it a try- although I would be completely envious if you did! haha. Anyways, just wanted to share~ Here's your day's current event.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Time marches on...

Hey all,
Actually, I'm not sure if anyone but Amber and Cortney read my blog! But, who better to read my blog than you guys really- So I haven't really been a good blogger lately just due to the fact that nothing to interesting has been going on in my life! Well, I take that back-we went to Holter last weekend for camping and boating and had a good time. I got a sunburn which gracefully went into a tan so now I'm trying to maintain that as much as possible. Lot's of time by the kiddie pool in the back yard!
I'm also about to go on my "fertility drugs" again in about a month. I was on them about a year ago for six months with no luck. So, I'm back for another go! Kris is not looking forward to it but knows they are helpful, so is supportive. The only way I can describe them to you is hormonal hell. Literally- It makes you think your in menopause for a couple of days by elevating certain hormones then drops them down so you "super ovulate" or just ovulate if you don't do that. So, if you have some prayers to spare for me and Kris I would be most appreciative. Going on two and a half years of this and am getting tired. My prayer all along during my battle with infertility was that I would go through it with grace and glorifying God. While I still pray that to be my first and foremost desire, it's definately getting harder and harder to maintain that spirit-so prayers from my friends would be a great help right about now.
Yikes! Now my blog is a downer blog-I feel like I should insert a joke here! :) Actually it's nice just to vent to a computer screen which can't talk back! Maybe I am getting the hang of what a blog is really about. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
I'll leave you with a little verse that's helped me a bit the past few days.
1 Thess 5:16
" Be Joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

Be blessed