Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's is finished...

the end has come for pullups-Caed has crossed over to the world of public bathrooms (yikes!) and big boy underware. I actually tried this whole potty training twice before but it ended with everyone in our house hating each other so I quit. Then, about a week and a half ago I decided that no matter how much laundry I had to do Caed was going to wear underware. Wouldn't you know that kid had about two accidents and caught on! He exceeded my expectations and restored my confidence as a mother. The picture shows that he wasn't too happy about it in the beginning, but he's smiling pretty now....

Verse of the day

The verse I'm reading and focusing on today is Romans 4:18-25. You just gotta love Abraham and Sarah.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Ski Day

Yesterday we went skiing. It was Caed's first time and he did so awesome! He loved it- he woke up this morning and immediately wanted to go again. Maybe we'll see him on the X games someday. Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of my self though!