Tuesday, December 05, 2006


ok, I got about four inches cut off "my" hair. I like it so much better this way. I don't feel so rock starish. :) Plus, the ends of it would get stringy and hard to handle. This length is actually my end goal for growing my hair out. So, what do you think. Do you like it better than yesterday?

Monday, December 04, 2006

I'm crazy...

Ok guys.... today I got EXTENSIONS!!!!! Yes, I took the risky plunge into the world of fake hair. However, it's real hair....ok you get what I'm trying to say. Ever since I went on these fertility drugs they have broken and damaged my hair and also caused it to quit growing temporarily. My husband was awesome and sweet enough to bless me with being able to do these for a few months while my hair starts to grow out. (hopefully it will cooperate!) I'm going into tomorrow to get a few more inches cut off. The super long was too drastic for me and I almost had a mild panic attack this afternoon, so tomorrow I'll cut it a little shorter. Feel free to leave comments, good or bad!
Love you all,